Conn Cornets
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Musician with his Four in One cornet.

Conn Dupont 4 in 1 Cornet, Circa 1878

Conn Dupont Eb Cornet, Circa 1878

Conn Dupont "Besson Model" Cornet, Circa 1878
This is Conns version of a Besson model cornet, and offered as a lower priced alternative to Conns own designs.

Conn Solo Cornet, Circa 1879

Conn Cornet, Unknown Model, Circa 1879

Conn Artist Cornet, Circa 1880

Musician with his Clear Bore Vocal cornet.

Conn Clear Bore Vocal Cornet, Circa 1880

C. G. Conn Ultimatum Cornet, Circa 1882

C. G. Conn "Levy Perfection" Cornet, Circa 1884

C. G. Conn Ultimatum Cornet, Circa 1886
This cornet appears to be an Ultimatum varient.

Patent for valves.

C. G. Conn Wonder Cornet, Circa 1886

C. G. Conn Wonder Eb Cornet, Circa 1890

C. G. Conn Ultimatum (?) Cornet, Circa 1892
This gold plated cornet seems to be another variation on the usual Ultimatum design. Its also very late in the Ultimatum run, overlapping the start of the Wonder line. The bell crook has a very "Wonder" look to it. Note the very interesting water keys, independant of each other but easily activated together, each key having a half circle touch.

Stamped with the patent for the Wonder valve arrangement, patent number 442,955 would also seem to apply.

With quick change mechanism from Bb to A. When just the main slide is pulled, the three valve slides are also extended automatically.

While the bell is not engraved, this cornet has all the typical Conn markings one would expect on a Conn cornet of the era. The level of construction is far better than would be expected from even a well done aftermarket alteration, so it seems likely this was a factory experiment to reconfigure the lead pipe and slide.

This is another experimental, or R & D cornet. The short valve is activated by a sliding button, and is a combination of piston and rotary action. Conn did patent such a valve in 1909, with a more complicated mechanism to activate the valve than this experimental model exhibits.