
I cannot overemphasize this point: there is no substitute for the experience of having worked on great numbers of antique and vintage brass horns -- knowing not only what to do -- but what not to do. The best restorations result in an instrument that appears to be an excellent "original" example -- and not one that looks "restored" (or worse, over-restored).
In addition to being highly skilled in traditional methods of brass repair, Mark is amazing at devising clever approaches to solve unique restoration challenges. The machining of missing parts is just one example. In particular, his lacquer work is superb, including dark tinted lacquer to give the appearance of original years-old finishes.
It should come as no surprise that musicians ship their valued instruments to Mark for repair and restoration from all over the country!
Nick DeCarlis
Musician, Cornet Collector & Restorer
Author, "Pocket Cornets & Trumpets: Actual Size"

Thanks for your magic! The Antoine Courtois cornet was a complete basket case when I sent it to you. As a result of your expertise it is now my favorite and most responsive cornet. I didn't think it would be possible to save the 1870 junker, but now its better than new and plays like a dream. Also, your work on the others has always been beyond expectation- the Bach, the Elkhart, and more.
Lew Green https://www.lewgreenproductions.com/

Mark Metzler is clearly one of the best restoration experts for historic brass in the world. His work is exquisite, his fees reasonable and most of all, he's just a helluva nice guy. I would recommend Mark to anyone with a vintage brasswind that needs repair or restoration.
Bill Faust http://conicalbore.com/

There are a great many brass instrument repair technicians in the US, but there are only a handful of dedicated people who have the skill, patience, attention to detail, and knowledge to make great vintage horns new again. There is a lot more to classic horn restoration than buffing and dent removal; a first class restorer breathes life back into a worn or damaged horn, bringing back the playing qualities that make it collectible and valuable. I've had the privilege of having many horns restored by Mark Metzler, and he is on the short list of great brass restorers.
Marc Caparone https://www.caparone.com/

The Conn 36A arrived this afternoon. It plays wonderfully, and the work you did on it is truly excellent- down to the smallest details. Even the satin silver finish on the leadpipe you replaced was indiscernable from the original finish! Thank you for your outstanding work on this cornet, Mark. It plays very well and looks it, too. I look forward to performing with this instrument! With many sincere thanks,
Joel Treybig, DMA, Associate Professor of Music, Coordinator of Instrumental Studies, Belmont University School of Music

I have known Mark for many years, and have been impressed by not only the perfection of his work, but also his kindness. He will always find the best solution to any problem, partly due to his three decades of work, but also due to his insight into brass restoration. Mark is the type of restoration expert with whom you can talk shop anytime. He is approachable, honest, and perceptive at the same time, rare qualities frankly for any instrument restorer. He will do any repair from simple dent removal to complete restoration. He really does miraculous work even on instruments that may have been considered unworkable by other repair technicians. Your recent work on my Boosey echo cornet was really incredible! I still cannot believe how beautiful it looks and plays! Thank you Mark for your many years of excellent repair/restoration work and many years of continued success!
Richard Schwartz, author of The Cornet Compendium.

Mark is a first rate repairman to whom I send most of my restoration projects. I can rely on quality work from Mark. Sending restoration projects to Mark has an additional bonus with Marks shop conveniently located close to Andersons Plating. Mark is able to personally hand deliver and pick up instruments that need plating and/or valve work, which saves extra shipping and time.